Monday, September 10, 2012

Take the time to think. Think for a time on your thoughts.

These are some of my favorite quotes. 

"The choices we make dictate the life that we lead." - Renaissance Man (1994) 

I heard this quote and it really struck home with me. Why? Well it rings true to any situation. So often we feel that we don't have choices. We have choices every day that we live. Some are easy, "What are we having for dinner?" ok that isn't always easy but it isn't life or death. This is an example. The choice we made to be with a certain person, the choice to have a child, the choice on how we react when someone is attacking us. These are all choices. We chose how we react, speak, learn, ignore. That is one thing that allows us to remain human. The right of choice.

"When someone is nasty or treats you poorly, don't take it personally. It says nothing about you but a lot about them." - Michael Josephson

WOW isn't that a statement. When we are personally attacked by negativity it usually isn't by those who wish nothing but the best for us. It is usually by those who wish to see us fail. So why do the opinion of others mean so much to us? First we are human and when you get back to basic needs, one is acceptance. We all want to be accepted, loved, cared for, by other human beings. Here is the question I ask you: Is the person you are seeking this from worthy of the time and energy you are giving it? Are they worthy of giving them the power to dictate how you value your self worth? If yes, Why? These are the hardest question to ask yourself and the easiest to answer. Remember you’re the one who sets the value of what you are worth don’t allow anyone else to determine your worth. All to many times we discount ourselves when we should be adding value. The only person or entity that should be valuing your worth is yourself.

"There are two things you shouldn’t waste your time on: Things that don’t matter and people that don’t matter. "

So how do you know who matters and who doesn’t. well that is for you to decide. Keep in mind when deciding do these people cause your heart to ache or do they cause your heart to soar? Maybe they do both. If that is the case which feeling happens more often? Don’t sweat the small stuff comes into play. If you are unhappy with it and you CAN change it then do so. If you can’t why keep trying and hoping for a different result. Only sweat what is within your control and make the best of it, not what isn’t. It’s called acceptance. Accept what you can change and change it, accept that you are only a human being and do not possess the power to change everything. You can control others as well as you can control the weather.

So there, those are some of my completely random thoughts and outlook on certain things. I will try harder to write more and bother you all with my point of view more. =)

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