Anyway today's thought to think and ponder upon while going about your day.
An arrow can only be shot by pulling it back first.
When life is dragging you back with difficulties, just imagine that it is going to launch you into something great!
An arrow has direction, it has a purpose and usually hits it target. The point it it gets aimed, and even if it doesn't hit what it was aimed at at least it took the shot. Take your shot, see what you hit, more times than not if you don't hit exactly what you are looking for at least you took the shot and got closer to your target than if you just stood on the hill and never drew back.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
True Friendship
Can we not be friends with people who don't get along with each other? Meaning; if I am friends with you and I am friends with someone you don't like does that mean that we can't be friends?
Next question: Are we in grade school?
Last time I checked I was an adult and can make up my own mind, have my own opinions and speak to whomever I please. I wasn't aware that in order to keep some so called "friends" I had to discontinue speaking to other so called "friends" to remain the word "friends". Geesh a lot of quotation marks flying around here.
True friendship is much like true love. You aren't going to love someone because everyone says it's wrong?
True friendship is not passing judgment or thinking someone is stabbing you in the back while smiling to your face. True friendship is giving and taking not just always taking. True friendship is being honest enough to point out flaws in arguments or give a different perspective.
True friendship is being there to pick someone up when they fall even when they say they are ok and to leave them alone.
True Friendship is allowing a difference of opinion not tear you apart but allow you to see another side. It doesn't mean you believe that other way but to see it and consider it and be okay with that difference.
I don't know about you but if everyone ALWAYS agreed with me and just told me what I wanted to hear then who do you know who is TRUE?
Don't kiss my ass and say oh yes I totally agree or understand and then walk away and do and say the opposite. Don't pretend you support me in my decisions when secretly you can't wait to see me fail. That isn't friendship that is sabotage. That is back stabbing. That is two faced.
Don't pretend we are friends when really we aren't. Makes me feel like I am an idiot. We are all busy and have our own lives. We all have our own drama and issues. These are what makes our friends important. Don't turn your back on someone who would have been your biggest cheerleader because you couldn't take the time to be a friend.
If it is always one party doing the talking, reaching out, and the caring eventually it will stop and you lost something that may have been just what you needed to make it through.
Be the kind of friend you want someone to be for you. Take the time and make the effort.
Be who you are, be real, be true. I am.
If you don't want to be my friend it's cool say so. Don't be afraid to ever tell me anything because you might lose me. You may but I would rather have honesty than someone who pretends to be something they are not.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Take the time to think. Think for a time on your thoughts.
These are some of my favorite quotes.
"The choices we make dictate the life that we lead." - Renaissance Man (1994)
I heard this quote and it really struck home with me. Why? Well it rings true to any situation. So often we feel that we don't have choices. We have choices every day that we live. Some are easy, "What are we having for dinner?" ok that isn't always easy but it isn't life or death. This is an example. The choice we made to be with a certain person, the choice to have a child, the choice on how we react when someone is attacking us. These are all choices. We chose how we react, speak, learn, ignore. That is one thing that allows us to remain human. The right of choice.
"When someone is nasty or treats you poorly, don't take it personally. It says nothing about you but a lot about them." - Michael Josephson
WOW isn't that a statement. When we are personally attacked by negativity it usually isn't by those who wish nothing but the best for us. It is usually by those who wish to see us fail. So why do the opinion of others mean so much to us? First we are human and when you get back to basic needs, one is acceptance. We all want to be accepted, loved, cared for, by other human beings. Here is the question I ask you: Is the person you are seeking this from worthy of the time and energy you are giving it? Are they worthy of giving them the power to dictate how you value your self worth? If yes, Why? These are the hardest question to ask yourself and the easiest to answer. Remember you’re the one who sets the value of what you are worth don’t allow anyone else to determine your worth. All to many times we discount ourselves when we should be adding value. The only person or entity that should be valuing your worth is yourself.
"There are two things you shouldn’t waste your time on: Things that don’t matter and people that don’t matter. "
So how do you know who matters and who doesn’t. well that is for you to decide. Keep in mind when deciding do these people cause your heart to ache or do they cause your heart to soar? Maybe they do both. If that is the case which feeling happens more often? Don’t sweat the small stuff comes into play. If you are unhappy with it and you CAN change it then do so. If you can’t why keep trying and hoping for a different result. Only sweat what is within your control and make the best of it, not what isn’t. It’s called acceptance. Accept what you can change and change it, accept that you are only a human being and do not possess the power to change everything. You can control others as well as you can control the weather.
So there, those are some of my completely random thoughts and outlook on certain things. I will try harder to write more and bother you all with my point of view more. =)
Friday, July 20, 2012
Below is my rant about gun control. It is in response to a statement that was posted by a high school friend on Facebook who stated that we need to ban all guns, melt them down the world would be a safer place. Being a card carrying member of the NRA i have to say I disagree. Below I wanted to share my point of view with you all because I am a slacker and haven't written in a while and am working on writing something else. No matter what when another human being dies by the act of another human being it is a sad day for the human race as a whole.
I understand what you are trying to say however even with stricter gun
laws what will that accomplish? Even getting rid of guns and make it illegal
still will not keep the criminals from getting their hands on them. There is a
country in which they did that and there still are deaths by firearms because
the criminal element is just that, criminals.
As far as me being punished for something my dog has done well of course I
will be responsible for it just as the person doing the shooting is however, do
we need stricter laws on car ownership due to persons getting behind the wheel
not being responsible when they got behind the wheel and causing vehicle
manslaughter? I can get behind the wheel pull into Easton and drive over every civilian there is walking, and it is not just a tool I needed to get from place
A to B. I can always take the bus or ride a bike or walk. A car is a convenience
not a must have. Same argument it wasn’t the person who
actually killed the person it was the car impact, however, the HUMAN being, IS
to blame for the ill handling of the vehicle. Since a car can’t be held accountable in the court of law, being an inanimate object, it
says the same of the dog, the dog cannot talk and say well that kid kept poking
with a stick every day and tormenting me and I couldn’t take it anymore so I bit him. They lack the brain capacity to handle it.
It isn’t my spoons fault that I am fat, it is mine because
I used the tool given to me in an improper way. So I should need to pass a test
before I can eat? Obviously this is a completely ridiculous example of what I
am saying but it is the same principle of logic. My obesity does affect others
around me as well because of this your insurance rates go up, so it isn’t my decision only affecting me is the point I am making.
A responsible gun owner, has their guns in the proper storage container
and follow the rules, but the criminal element or the will still find a way to
commit their crimes no matter what rule you, I, or society impose on them.
I am all for making items harder to get and making sure the law is
followed as long as it is in a logical sense. It usually isn’t the criminal element that suffers it is the law abiding citizen that
does. I have the proper permit and such however that guy that just robbed the liquor
store or bank at gun point didn’t acquire his firearm via legal channels (more than
As you have guessed I am a proud responsible gun toting member of the NRA.
I follow the rules and the law as I should. I don’t mean to offend
anyone and am happy that people are able to have a difference of opinion and be
able to remain friends. There will be a lot of items that humans have differing
opinions, this is what makes us human. One is no better than the other they are
just that....... different.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Constant Struggle Within
There is this thing I suffer from called depression. I find that I am not alone in this. There are many forms of depression and many ways people deal with it. Does this mean that people are weak? Does this mean that we have a different ability to cope with things that "normal", and I use that loosely, people don't seem to have an issue dealing with? Does it mean that I am of weaker mind or weaker ability to deal with harsh reality? I think not.
I deal with many things that would destroy most people. I have dealt with things in my life that most people would have given up long ago and "threw in the towel", I however am not a towel thrower, nor do I allow something to beat me or control me. I fight back
I am not saying that sun shines outta my ass 24/7 and I have my moments of wanting to hide from the world, but why am I going to let my own outlook at a moment in time dictate how I have to look at other aspects of my life at any point in time? I don't. I hold my head high but sometimes I need time for me to be able to sulk and self pity. Does this make me a bad person, no it doesn't. It doesn't make me weak, it doesn't make me vulnerable. It makes me human. We have been led to beleive that if we show a sign of weakness to people that you will be eaten alive. This in some cases are true. Such as when in the wild and surrounded by lions and tigers and bears OH MY. Not so much in the world of humans. Here is why I say that. Why you have all your crap that you are lugging around with you day after day, that person who is tormenting you or making fun of you, or saying it's survival of the fittest, has their own set of baggage. They are just better at hiding it. while you wear your heart on your sleeve they protect theirs because of being afraid. The ones that are truly suffering is them. They are suffering because they have built these walls so high and they can NEVER be themselves. They have distorted the sense of reality and made it so unattainable that they themselves will never achieve it. Knowing your faults isn't a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength. Showing the world the real you also should be commended and not shunned. Why be afraid that someone may not like you or want to be your friend if they knew who you really are? Does that person opinion matter to you that much that if they don't it will be the end of you?
I am over weight. Yes it is depressing and is difficult for me to lose weight because of the medication I take for my fibromyalgia. I have days where I can't believe I am leaving the house with my waddling ass but I do it. Why because if I let that control who am I that is where it is going to start. What am I going to allow to control me next?
My daughter tried to commit suicide several years ago. Does that mean I am a horrible parent? No. It means that I made damn sure she knew that I was here for her and that I love her with all my being and soul, that without her I wouldn't be a complete me. That if she would have succeeded that her pain and suffering would have ceased to exist, but mine would have only just begun.
It is so easy to put on the fake smile, the fake attitude, the fake you but who are you hurting when you do that? You are only hurting you. Why apologize because you have a real emotions of hurt? Why feel ashamed because you want to gush over something that made you happy? If everyone were without fault where would we come up with sayings about "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones", "same shit different day", Don't make a mountain out of a mole hill" and so on. I mean those are witty but everyone can handle these mole hills and mountains differently. Don't judge me or anyone because of how they re-act to a situation. that situation may be no big deal to you but to them it is major. Who are you to judge how it affects someones life? No one.
So today I am going to tell you that I have cried more times than I have smiled, I have bitten more heads off then I would like, and I have then went back and said I was sorry for that. I am after all only human. I realize that some things are out of my control but what isn't is how I deal with things and recognize how these things affect me and other people. I realize that it is ok to have emotion it is after all what separates us from so many other species. It's ok to hurt, cry, smile, be bitchy, and the whole gambit of emotion, all in one day too.
So even though I am often in a depressed state I will put on my BIG girl panties, suck it up and deal with the world around me. I will make the most of the situations and choose how I want to handle it. I am the only one who can. Above all else I am ALWAYS ME. take it or leave it, but, I am not changing for anyone but me, and neither should you. Always remain true to yourself if you expect others to be true to you.
"The choices we make dictate the life that we lead" You always have a choice. Choose yourself above all else. the rest will fall into place.
I deal with many things that would destroy most people. I have dealt with things in my life that most people would have given up long ago and "threw in the towel", I however am not a towel thrower, nor do I allow something to beat me or control me. I fight back
I am not saying that sun shines outta my ass 24/7 and I have my moments of wanting to hide from the world, but why am I going to let my own outlook at a moment in time dictate how I have to look at other aspects of my life at any point in time? I don't. I hold my head high but sometimes I need time for me to be able to sulk and self pity. Does this make me a bad person, no it doesn't. It doesn't make me weak, it doesn't make me vulnerable. It makes me human. We have been led to beleive that if we show a sign of weakness to people that you will be eaten alive. This in some cases are true. Such as when in the wild and surrounded by lions and tigers and bears OH MY. Not so much in the world of humans. Here is why I say that. Why you have all your crap that you are lugging around with you day after day, that person who is tormenting you or making fun of you, or saying it's survival of the fittest, has their own set of baggage. They are just better at hiding it. while you wear your heart on your sleeve they protect theirs because of being afraid. The ones that are truly suffering is them. They are suffering because they have built these walls so high and they can NEVER be themselves. They have distorted the sense of reality and made it so unattainable that they themselves will never achieve it. Knowing your faults isn't a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength. Showing the world the real you also should be commended and not shunned. Why be afraid that someone may not like you or want to be your friend if they knew who you really are? Does that person opinion matter to you that much that if they don't it will be the end of you?
I am over weight. Yes it is depressing and is difficult for me to lose weight because of the medication I take for my fibromyalgia. I have days where I can't believe I am leaving the house with my waddling ass but I do it. Why because if I let that control who am I that is where it is going to start. What am I going to allow to control me next?
My daughter tried to commit suicide several years ago. Does that mean I am a horrible parent? No. It means that I made damn sure she knew that I was here for her and that I love her with all my being and soul, that without her I wouldn't be a complete me. That if she would have succeeded that her pain and suffering would have ceased to exist, but mine would have only just begun.
It is so easy to put on the fake smile, the fake attitude, the fake you but who are you hurting when you do that? You are only hurting you. Why apologize because you have a real emotions of hurt? Why feel ashamed because you want to gush over something that made you happy? If everyone were without fault where would we come up with sayings about "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones", "same shit different day", Don't make a mountain out of a mole hill" and so on. I mean those are witty but everyone can handle these mole hills and mountains differently. Don't judge me or anyone because of how they re-act to a situation. that situation may be no big deal to you but to them it is major. Who are you to judge how it affects someones life? No one.
So today I am going to tell you that I have cried more times than I have smiled, I have bitten more heads off then I would like, and I have then went back and said I was sorry for that. I am after all only human. I realize that some things are out of my control but what isn't is how I deal with things and recognize how these things affect me and other people. I realize that it is ok to have emotion it is after all what separates us from so many other species. It's ok to hurt, cry, smile, be bitchy, and the whole gambit of emotion, all in one day too.
"The choices we make dictate the life that we lead" You always have a choice. Choose yourself above all else. the rest will fall into place.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Choose your words wisely
It all comes down sometimes to how you say something. I don't mean the actual words but the inflection that you use, the body language that you use to say it, and the way you choose to pause at certain points. It is sometimes about the words that were spoken but often it is how it was said that implies the true meaning.
Every day it is so easy to destroy someone just by saying a few words. After a while of hearing certain things people start to believe it. Think of how your day was made or ruined all with just words that someone said to you. A simple statement and how it was expressed can destroy someones self esteem and how they value their worth. Speak to someone who is smart in a tone that makes them seem like they are stupid and your normal "helpful" response will suddenly become un-helpful.
Why are we not taking the time to choose our words to build people up? Why are we so intent on destroying people and making them feel smaller than us? Does it really feel our hearts with joy and respect when we do this? Does it really make us the bigger person to use something as powerful as words to take others down? Why not use this strength to build someone up? Let them know how incredible of a person they are? Let them know what they mean to us and how they mean it simply by using our words in an inflection that they truly can "feel" that we mean them. Words spoken in a minute or second of rage will be remembered more often then those said in a time of passion. that is the one that the person it was said to will hold on to and allow that to be the truth of how you feel. It may not be but that is how it works.
When you tell someone they look nice but you say it with a scowl you may not know it, but they can tell. The joy or compliment doesn't reach your eyes. Be mindful of how you are saying it with this non-verbal indicators. They are certainly speaking louder than the words. If you mute the person speaking in your mind what are they truly saying to you with their inflection and body actions? Is it the message they are intending you to get?
Always remember to choose the words that you say wisely and be mindful of how you are saying them. Words are more powerful than we realize and sometimes all it takes is one person to truly listen to receive the message being offered. Are you ready to give your message and are you willing to listen for the one you are meant? Choose wisely and be sure to use this powerful tool to build someone up instead of tearing them down because when you are tearing that person down someone like me will come behind and pick them back up and make them stronger and teach them the true meaning of words, strength, wisdom, and power.
You have a choice, choose wisely and choose from the heart ,with that my friends, you can never go wrong.
Little funny to prove my point:
Every day it is so easy to destroy someone just by saying a few words. After a while of hearing certain things people start to believe it. Think of how your day was made or ruined all with just words that someone said to you. A simple statement and how it was expressed can destroy someones self esteem and how they value their worth. Speak to someone who is smart in a tone that makes them seem like they are stupid and your normal "helpful" response will suddenly become un-helpful.
Why are we not taking the time to choose our words to build people up? Why are we so intent on destroying people and making them feel smaller than us? Does it really feel our hearts with joy and respect when we do this? Does it really make us the bigger person to use something as powerful as words to take others down? Why not use this strength to build someone up? Let them know how incredible of a person they are? Let them know what they mean to us and how they mean it simply by using our words in an inflection that they truly can "feel" that we mean them. Words spoken in a minute or second of rage will be remembered more often then those said in a time of passion. that is the one that the person it was said to will hold on to and allow that to be the truth of how you feel. It may not be but that is how it works.
When you tell someone they look nice but you say it with a scowl you may not know it, but they can tell. The joy or compliment doesn't reach your eyes. Be mindful of how you are saying it with this non-verbal indicators. They are certainly speaking louder than the words. If you mute the person speaking in your mind what are they truly saying to you with their inflection and body actions? Is it the message they are intending you to get?
Always remember to choose the words that you say wisely and be mindful of how you are saying them. Words are more powerful than we realize and sometimes all it takes is one person to truly listen to receive the message being offered. Are you ready to give your message and are you willing to listen for the one you are meant? Choose wisely and be sure to use this powerful tool to build someone up instead of tearing them down because when you are tearing that person down someone like me will come behind and pick them back up and make them stronger and teach them the true meaning of words, strength, wisdom, and power.
You have a choice, choose wisely and choose from the heart ,with that my friends, you can never go wrong.
Little funny to prove my point:
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